Figure 1. Secretion of CAV1 by EWS cells.
(A) Detection of CAV1 with anti-CAV1 antibodies through dot-blot analysis of the indicated volumes of un-concentrated conditioned media from cultures of A4573, SK-ES-1, TC-71 and PC-3 cells (upper panel); fresh culture medium was used as control (lower panel). (B) Immunodetection of CAV1 in TCA precipitates obtained from conditioned media prepared from cultures of the same cell lines, and resolved by SDS-PAGE (upper panel); Ponceau staining of the region of the membrane corresponding to the range of the CAV1 molecular mass (lower panel) is shown as loading reference. (C) Western blot analysis for CAV1 in the protein fraction purified from conditioned media from EWS and PC-3 cells by 30–70% ammonium sulfate precipitation, and resolved on SDS-PAGE (upper panel); Ponceau staining of the blot is shown as control for equal loading (lower panel). A short exposure of the immunoblots is shown in panels (B) and (C) to better illustrate expression differences.