A) Time course of locomotor activity before and after i.p injection of 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine (vertical line) to CCE rats (black diamonds) and matched controls (open circles), measured as distance travelled in cm.
B) Chronic cold exposure failed to significantly affect the locomotor response to amphetamine administration (vertical line) to rats that received restraint stress (AR, grey triangles; CCE + AR, black and white squares).
Three-way ANOVA, source of variation: CCE: F(1,864)= 4.275, P= 0.039; AR: F(1,864)= 1.485, P= 0.223; time: F(23,864)= 12.962, P< 0.001; for interactions: CCE x AR: F(1,1,864)= 0.905, P= 0,342; CCE x time, F(1,23,864)= 0.47, P= 0.985; AR x time, F(1,23,864)= 3.137, P< 0.001; CCE x AR x time, F(1,1,23,864)= 0.426, P= 0.992