Figure 5. Oenocytes are derived from the engrailed stripe in both Drosophila and Tribolium.
A) Lateral view of three abdominal segments from a stage 11 svp-lacZ Drosophila embryo immunostained for Engrailed (En, red), β-galactosidase (β-gal, green), and Spalt (blue). svp-lacZ (β-gal) labels newly specified Drosophila oenocytes (arrows) that lie within the posterior compartment marked by En.
B) Lateral view of three abdominal segments from a stage 14 svp-lacZ Drosophila embryo immunostained for Engrailed (En, red), β-galactosidase (green), and Spalt (blue). At this stage, Drosophila oenocytes are still positive for svp-lacZ (β-gal) and Spalt, but they have downregulated En and lie anterior to the posterior compartment (arrowhead).
C) Lateral view of three abdominal segments from a 26h Tribolium embryo immunostained for En (red), vvl-GFP (green), and Spalt (blue). Note the early vvl-GFP positive cells (arrow) lie within the Spalt domain (C’’, asterisk) and overlaps with En expression in abdominal segments.
D) Lateral view of three abdominal segments from a 46h Tribolium embryo immunostained for En (red), vvl-GFP (green), and Spalt (blue). Note the GFP-positive oenocyte cells lie anterior to the En-positive posterior compartment cells and do not express Spalt.