Figure 2.
Illustration of the LOVARS acquisition scheme depicting the oscillation patterns produced in water signal. a) The variation in saturation image LOVARS collection pattern is displayed, with both saturation offset (Δω), and length (tsat) manipulated in a LU, with N total units collected (either 3 or 4 in this study). b) The resulting signal patterns produced on either 5 mg/mL PLL (upper, solid squares) or 4% agar (lower, solid triangles) with the data fit using Eq.[6]. CEST contrast oscillates at 1 cycle/LU and DS and MTC oscillate at 2 cycles/LU. c) The LOVARS signal patterns for L-arginine (2.5mM), Δω = 1.8 ppm, containing both CEST and DS contrast, with the data fit using Eq.[6]. The time domain data is transformed to the LOVARS frequency domain, generating the new LOVARS parameters for each voxel: real, imaginary and phase values.