Figure 1.
(A) Effects of blocking specific endocytosis pathways on the gene transfection efficiency of PEI polyplexes in HeLa cells. The polyplexes were prepared using 11 kDa linear PEI and luciferase-encoding pDNA (pGL2) at an N:P ratio of 7.5 and a DNA concentration of 10 µg/ml. The cells were incubated either with chlorpromazine or with fillipin III (for an hour prior to the transfection with the PEI polyplexes and for another three hours after the transfection) in order to block, respectively, the clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathway or the caveolae pathway. The gene transfection efficiencies were quantified in terms of the luciferase expression levels of the pGL2 genes in the transfected cells (in relative light units) as measured by the standard luminescence assay; the luciferase expression levels were normalized by the total protein contents of the respectively treated cells. (B) The same data are shown in normalized forms relative to the gene transfection efficiency of the polyplexes obtained under no chlorpromazine or fillipin III conditions.