Daily Shifts in Leaf Turgor.
The turgor of leaves of wild-type Col-0 (black traces) and nhx1 nhx2 mutant line L14 (gray traces) growing in hydroponic culture in the greenhouse was measured with a patch-clamp pressure probe. Note that leaf turgor pressure and the pressure recorded by the probe are inversely proportional. The turgor pressure in the leaf patch is opposed to the magnetic pressure of the clamp, which is kept constant, and the pressure probe measures the difference between magnetic pressure and the relative turgor value. Thus, high pressure values mean lower leaf turgor pressure. Black and white boxes in the horizontal bars represent dark and light periods (8/16 h).
(A) Plants growing in 0.1 mM K+ were transferred to 1 mM K+ at the time indicated by the arrow.
(B) Plants were transferred from 1 to 10 mM K+ (arrow).