Fig. 3.
The effects of PTX, 2-APB, and R2.64A or R4.65A mutation on GPR120S-stimulated intracellular calcium mobilization. Tetracycline-induced 293TR cells expressing SNAP-GPR120S were pretreated with 100 nM PTX for 18 h (A) or 50 μM 2-APB for 20 min (B), before Fluo4 loading and stimulation with OA or GW9508 (pooled data n = 4). In C, agonist responses were compared with cells expressing SNAP-GPR120S R2.64A or SNAP-GPR120SA R4.65A receptors (n = 4). The insets show receptor labeling obtained with membrane-impermeant SNAP label BG-AF488, imaged with the IX Ultra plate reader (see legend to Fig. 6 for full details). Vehicle or 300 μM OA treatment was for 30 min in these representative images.