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. 2012 Mar 14;109(6):1185–1200. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcs048

Table 1.

Domestication-related traits examined in F2 and BC1F1 populations of the cross between yardlong bean and wild cowpea (based on Kaga et al., 2008: table 1)

General attribute Organ Trait Trait abbreviation QTL/gene Evaluation method Evaluated population
Seed dormancy Seed Seed coat permeability (%) SDP Sdp Percentage of imbibed seeds at 25 °C in incubator (use 20 seeds) BC1F1:2/F2:3
Pod dehiscence Pod Number of twists (count) PDT pdt Number of twists along the length of the shattered pod BC1F1
Pod dehiscence PDD Pdd Dehiscence or indehiscence F2
Gigantism Seed 100-seed weight (g) SD100WT Sd100wt Weight of 100 seeds (use 100 seeds) BC1F1:2/F2:3
Length (mm) SDL Sdl Maximum distance from top to bottom of the seed (use 10 seeds) BC1F1:2/F2:3
Width (mm) SDW Sdw Maximum distance from hilum to its opposite side (use 10 seeds) BC1F1:2/F2:3
Thickness (mm) SDT Sdt Maximum distance between both sides of the hilum (use 10 seeds) BC1F1:2/F2:3
Pod Length (cm) PDL Pdl Length of straight pod (use 10 pods) BC1F1/F2
Width (mm) PDW Pdw Maximum width (use 10 pods) measured after soaking in water to flatten the pod to measure BC1F1/F2
Spacing between seeds (mm) PDSBS* Pdsbs Spacing between seeds is calculated by formula: [(PDL*10) – (SDL*SDNPPD)]/SDNPPD BC1F1/F2
Stem Thickness (mm) STT Stt Stem diameter under the primary leaf (measured at flowering stage) BC1F1/F2
Leaf Primary leaf length (cm) LFPL Lfpl Distance from pulvinus to leaf tip BC1F1/F2
Primary leaf width (cm) LFPW Lfpw Maximum width BC1F1/F2
Plant type Epicotyl Length (cm) ECL Ecl Length from cotyledon to primary leaf BC1F1/F2
Stem Length (up to 10th node) (cm) STL10 Stl10 Length from node on primary leaf to node 10 of trifoliate leaf BC1F1/F2
Length (whole) STLW* Stlw Length from node on primary leaf to terminal shoot BC1F1
Branch Number (count) BRN Brn Number of branches on main stem from node 1 to node 10 of trifoliate leaf (measured at post maturity stage just before discarding) BC1F1/F2
Earliness Flower Days to first flower (day) FLD Fld Number of days from planting to 1st flowering BC1F1/F2
Pod Days to maturity of 1st pod (day) PDDM Pddm Number of days from 1st flowering to harvesting of 1st pod BC1F1/F2
Yield potential Seed Total weight (g) SDTWT Sdtwt Total weight of harvested seeds BC1F1/F2
Number of seeds per pod (seeds/pod) SDNPPD Sdnppd Number of seeds per pod BC1F1/F2
Pod Total number (pod) PDTN Pdtn Total number of harvested pods BC1F1/F2
Pigmentation Epicotyl Epicotyl colour ECC Ecc Red or green BC1F1/F2
Seed Seed coat colour SDC Sdc Black or brown BC1F1/F2

* Not included in Kaga et al. (2008).