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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: Cancer Genet. 2012 Jan;205(1-2):34–41. doi: 10.1016/j.cancergen.2012.01.008

Table 3.

Prior trials with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carrier outcomes

Study N Survival results p-value (reported)
Pharoah, 1999 BRCA1 127 Median survival: 20.6 mo
5-yr OS 21% (95% CI 14–28)
BRCA2 24 Median survival:
16.0 mo
5-yr OS 25% (95% CI 8–42)
Boyd, 2000 BRCA1 67 5-yr OS ~45% --
BRCA2 21 5-yr OS ~47%
Ramus, 2001 BRCA1 15
14 185 delAG
1 5382insC
Median survival: 52 mo (95% CI 25–79) NS
BRCA2 12
all 6174delT
Median survival: 49 mo (95% CI 24–73)
Ben David, 2002 BRCA1 171
152 185delAG
19 5382insC
Median survival: 185delAG: 52 mo (95% CI 41–63)
5382insC: >72 mo (95% CI NA)
BRCA2 58
all 6174delT
Median survival: 52 mo (95% CI 34-NA)
Cass, 2003 BRCA1 22 Disease-free interval: 40 mo 0.2
BRCA2 12 Disease-free interval: 57 mo
Pal, 2007 BRCA1 20 4-yr OS 37% 0.355
BRCA2 12 4-yr OS 83%
Chetrit, 2008 BRCA1 203
141 185delAG
18 5382insC
Median survival: 45.1 mo (95% CI 38.8–52.4) 0.2
BRCA2 54
all 6174delT
Median survival: 52.5 mo (95% CI 38.7–82.6)
Vencken, 2011 BRCA1 99 Median survival: 5.9 yrs
5-yr OS 60%
0.06 (for OS)
BRCA2 13 Median survival: >10 yrs
5-yr OS 85%

Overall survival is estimated graphically from survival curves

Survival results based on advanced-stage patients only

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  • Ramus SJ, Fishman A, Pharoah PD, Yarkoni S, Altaras M, Ponder BA. Ovarian cancer survival in Ashkenazi Jewish patients with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. Eur J Surg Oncol 2001;27: 278–81.
  • Ben David Y, Chetrit A, Hirsh-Yechezkel G, Friedman E, Beck BD, Beller U, Ben-Baruch G, Fishman A, Levavi H, Lubin F, Menczer J, Piura B, Struewing JP, Modan B. Effect of BRCA mutations on the length of survival in epithelial ovarian tumors. J Clin Oncol 2002;20: 463–6.
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  • Pal T, Permuth-Wey J, Kapoor R, Cantor A, Sutphen R. Improved survival in BRCA2 carriers with ovarian cancer. Fam Cancer 2007;6: 113–9.
  • Chetrit A, Hirsh-Yechezkel G, Ben-David Y, Lubin F, Friedman E, Sadetzki S. Effect of BRCA1/2 mutations on long-term survival of patients with invasive ovarian cancer: The National Israeli Study of Ovarian Cancer. J Clin Oncol 2008;26: 20–25.
  • Vencken PM, Kriege M, Hoogwerf D, Beugelink S, van der Burg ME, Hooning MJ, Berns EM, Jager A, Collee M, Burger CW, Seynaeve C. Chemosensitivity and outcome of BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated ovarian cancer patients after first-line chemotherapy compared with sporadic ovarian cancer patients. Ann Oncol 2011;12: 12.