(a) Draper isoform schematic. Ovals represent extracellular EGF-like motifs. NPXY is the predicted Ced-6 binding site. Draper-I contains an ITAM (YXXI-X11-YXXL), which binds Shark. Draper-II contains a unique insertion (asterisk) within the ITAM. Draper-III lacks an ITAM due to a frame shift and premature stop codon.
(b) Draper Western blot (WB) on control yw adult heads. At least two bands were detected: Draper-I (113 kD) and at least one smaller band corresponding to Draper-II (65 kD) and Draper-III (59 kD). Full-length blot is presented in Supplementary Figure 1.
(c) repo-Gal4 was used to express UAS-driven transgenes of each Draper isoform in draperΔ5 mutants that also carried OR85e-mCD8::GFP to label maxillary palp 85e ORNs. Projected confocal Z-stacks show GFP+ axons (green) in the antennal lobe before and after axotomy. Confocal slices of Draper immunostaining (red) show robust glial expression of Draper transgenes.
(d) Quantification of GFP+ axon material in Draper rescue experiments shown in (c). Bars depict mean ± S.E.M. ***p<0.001.
(e) Draper WB on head lysates of control yw, draperΔ5, and rescue flies to confirm expression of UAS-Draper transgenes. Blot was reprobed for tubulin. Less protein lysate was loaded in rescue lanes because GAL4/UAS drives robust expression. D0, Day 0; D3, Day 3. Full-length blots shown in Supplementary Figure 1.
Genotypes and N values in (c,d): control=w;OR85e-mCD8::GFP/+;repo-Gal4/+. (D0 N=12, D3 N=12).
draperΔ5=w; draperΔ5. (D0 N=20; D3 N=14).
Draper-I rescue=w;OR85e-mCD8::GFP/UAS-Draper-I;repo-Gal4,drprΔ5/drprΔ5. (D0 N=31; D3=39).
Draper-II rescue=w;OR85e-mCD8::GFP/UAS-Draper-II;repo-Gal4,drprΔ5/drprΔ5. (D0 N=16; D3 N=16).
Draper-III rescue=w;OR85e-mCD8::GFP/UAS-Draper-III;repo-Gal4,drprΔ5/drprΔ5. (D0 N=23; D3 N=26).