Table 3.
Studies on late-life blood pressure and dementia
Study | Setting | Participants | Main results |
Yoshitake et al,99 1995 | Hisayama Study, Japan | 828 non-demented persons, age 65- 98 years, followed for 7 years | Hypertension (≥160/95) not related to AD but to VaD |
Skoog et al,95 1996 | Gothenburg H-70 Study, Sweden | 382 persons, age 70 years, followed up to 15 years | Higher SBP and DBP levels at baseline associated with increased risk of dementia |
Brayne et al,100 1998 | Cambridge Cohort Study, UK | 376 persons, age ≥75 years, followed for 2.4 years | History of hypertension not associated with dementia |
Tyas et al,98 2001 | Cohort study in Manitoba, Canada | 694 persons, age ≥65 years followed for 5 years | Self reported high BP not related to AD |
Ruitenberg et al,104 2001 | Gothenburg H-70 and Rotterdam Studies | 6985 persons, age ≥55 years, followed for 3 years | BP inversely related to dementia risk in users of antihypertensive drugs |
Morris et al,94 2001 | East Boston study, USA | 378 persons, age ≥65 years, followed for 13 years | Association of increased SBP but not DBP levels with lower risk of dementia |
Posner et al,101 2002 | WHICAP, USA | 1259 Medicare recipients, age ≥65 years followed for 5 years | Hypertension history related to VaD but not AD |
Lindsay et al,97 2002 | Canadian Study of Health and Aging | 3566 persons, age ≥65 years, followed for 5 years | Self reported high BP not related to AD |
Kuller et al,102 2003 | Cardiovascular Health Study, USA | 3275 Medicare recipients in four clinical centers, age ≥65 years, followed for 7 years | History of hypertension not associated with dementia |
Verghese et al,105 2003 | Bronx Aging Study, USA | 488 community volunteers, age ≥75 years, mean follow-up 6.7 years | Low diastolic pressure associated with higher risk of dementia |
Qiu et al,93 2003 | Kungsholmen Project, Sweden | 1270 persons, age ≥75 years, followed over 5 years | Both low DBP and SBP associated with an increased risk of AD and dementia |
Borenstein et al,96 2005 | Kame Project, USA | 1859 Japanese Americans, age ≥65 years, mean follow-up 9 years | Self-reported hypertension not related to AD |
Pettiti et al,103 2005 | Women’s Memory Study, USA | 1133 women, age ≥75 years, followed for 7 years | SBP and DBP measured 5 or 9 years before dementia diagnosis not significantly different between demented and control groups |