Fig. 5.
The protein expression of TH, nNOS, and ChAT in the gastric antrum and colon tissue of the control and 6-OHDA-treated rats. Western blot showing TH, nNOS, and ChAT in the gastric antrum and colon in control and 6-OHDA-treated rats (a). β-Actin was analyzed as a loading control. Cst Gastric antrum of the control group; Pst gastric antrum of the 6-OHDA group; Cco colon tissue of the control group; Pco colon tissue of the 6-OHDA group. The bar graph showed the quantitative analysis of TH, nNOS, and ChAT in the gastric antrum (b) and colon (c). Protein expression of TH increased significantly in the gastric antrum and colon in 6-OHDA-treated rats (P < 0.01); additionally, nNOS decreased significantly (P < 0.01), and there were no significant changes in ChAT (P > 0.05; n = 10)