(A) Pumping on/off OP50 E. coli. Wild-type PS312 (n = 25–36), Ppa-egl-4(tu374) (n = 17–32), Ppa-obi-1(tu404) (n = 13–20), Ppa-egl-4; Ppa-obi-1 (n = 15). The difference in pumping between on/off food states for each nematode strain is significant (not indicated; two tailed t-test, P<0.001). Pumping rate on food is significantly slower in Ppa-obi-1(tu404) compared to the other 3 genotypes, whereas pumping rate off food is significantly faster in all mutants compared to wild-type PS312 (Dunnett’s Multiple comparisons test, P<0.01). (B) Pumping on/off NA1000 C. crescentus. PS312 (n = 35–38), Ppa-egl-4 (n = 16–18), Ppa-obi-1(tu404) (n = 14–18), Ppa-egl-4; Ppa-obi-1 (n = 14–18). The difference between on/off food states for each nematode strain is significant (two tailed t-test, P<0.001). Pumping rate off food is significantly slower in Ppa-obi-1(tu404) compared to the other 3 genotypes, whereas Ppa-egl-4 and Ppa-egl-4; Ppa-obi-1 pump faster than wild-type (Dunnett’s Multiple comparisons test, P<*0.05,**0.01). (C) Pumping on/off on C. crescentus NA1000 at 15°C. PS312 (n = 26-32), Ppa-egl-4 (n = 22–24). The rate difference between on/off food states for Ppa-egl-4 is significant (two tailed t-test, P<0.001). Ppa-egl-4 pumps faster than wild-type on C. crescentus (Dunnett’s Multiple comparisons test, P<***0.001).