Figure 6. Comparisons of fat storage in the intestines of fixed nematodes.
The diameters of the two largest stained bodies per animal in the anterior intestine between the end of the pharynx and the invaginating vulva of L4 or J4 stage animals were measured to calculate the average volume based on spherical geometry (mean±SEM). Comparable gain and exposure settings were used. C. elegans wild-type N2 (n = 38–52), P. pacificus wild-type PS312 (n = 34–45), Ppa-egl-4 (n = 37–55), Ppa-obi-1 (n = 36–52). Fat storage on E. coli OP50 was higher in Ppa-egl-4 than in wild-type PS312. Fat storage in both PS312 and Ppa-egl-4 was higher when cultured on E. coli than on C. crescentus (***P<0.001; *P<0.05). Fat storage was higher on C. crescentus in both PS312 and Ppa-egl-4 than in C. elegans N2 and Ppa-obi-1 (not indicated; P<0.01). (Tukey-Kramer Multiple comparisons test, P<0.05).