Figure 1. BCAR1, phospho-BCAR1, p38 and phospho-p38 expression in NSCLC tissues and cells.
A: Immunoblotting indicated either BCAR1 or phospho-p38(Thr180/Tyr182) levels in three NSCLC tissues (C) were significantly higher than in the adjacent normal tissues (N). But phospho-BCAR1 (Tyr410) and p38 levels in NSCLC and the adjacent normal tissues were similar. BCAR1, phospho-BCAR1, p38 and phospho-p38 expressions were also detected in A549 and Calu-3 NSCLC cell line by using Immunoblotting assay. BCAR1 knockdown causes the appreciable reduction of phospho-BCAR1 and phospho-p38 levels in A549 cells. B: Gray scales analysis of immunoblotting also suggested BCAR1 and phospho-p38(Thr180/Tyr182) levels were significantly higher in NSCLC than in the normal adjacent tissue (48.18±24.7 vs 10.97±9.8,P<0.001; 16.03±5.8 vs 28.82±8.0, P<0.001). However, phospho-BCAR1 (Tyr410) and p38 had not the trend (20.72±6.4 vs 24.37±7.5, P = 0.22; 25.3±11.2 vs 27.8±15.2, P = 0.476). C: IHC suggested the expressions of BCAR1 (either in the nucleus, the cytoplasm), phospho- BCAR1 (prone to locate in the cytoplasm), phospho-p38 (prone to locate in the nucleus), p38 (prone to locate in the cytoplasm) and apoptotic bodies. Note: N (adjacent normal tissue); C (NSCLC tissue); ** (P<0.001); # (P>0.05).