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. 2012 Apr 27;7(4):e36050. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036050

Figure 1. The results of χ2-tests examining the differences in attitudes and perceptions between patients and general public members.

Figure 1

*: P<0.05. a. Statements 1–7: 1: I'm willing to donate the residual sample. 2: I trust medical institutions. 3: I would want to withdraw my donation afterwards. 4: I would want to donate anonymously. 5: I would want to know my individual result. 6: I would like my sample to be used for profit-making research. 7: I would not like my sample to be used for future research without my specific consent. b. Concerns about donation of biosample 1–9: 1: more tissue would be taken for research than was needed. 2: my confidentiality would be lost. 3: donations might be used in research that is dangerous to me or others. 4: donation might spread my disease. 5: donation might cause potential ethical issues. 6: I do not trust the intent of medical institutions. 7: I haven't thought about donation. 8: it's bad for my health. 9: no concern. c. Trusted institutions 1–8: 1: university research institutions. 2: hospital research institutions. 3: for-profit company research institutions. 4: ethics committee or IRB. 5: Chinese medical association. 6: government research institutions (such as, the health bureau). 7: no trusted institutions. 8: other institutions. d. Motivation for donation 1–7: 1: to establish a good relationship with medical institutions. 2: it's my obligation. 3: to benefit future patients. 4: to benefit me and my family. 5: no motivation. 6: can't think of a reason to refuse. 7: other motivation.