Figure 4. Phenotyping CD8+ Tmem.
A) Representative flow cytometric gating strategy of splenic Tmem, CD8+ LFA1hiCD127hiKLRG1lo at day 60 post-infection. From left to right the panels show gating of CD8+ cells, LFA1hiCD8+ cells, and CD8+ LFA1hiCD127hiKLRG1lo cells from analysis of 500,000 to 1 million cells. B) Plots showing the absence of Tmem in age-matched uninfected mice (PBS injected) and the presence of Tmem in mice with chronic brucellosis. C) Frequency of splenic CD8+ Tmem over time. ANOVA was performed to determine if infection with B. melitensis had a statistically significant impact on the presence of CD8+ Tmem. **p<0.002 for infected animals at the different days except for day 150 where p<0.05.