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. 2012 Apr 25;7(4):e35120. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035120

Table 4. Sensitivity analysis: fixed-effects estimation.

1 Baseline: Model 7, Table 3 −7.21*** .53** 1.46* 3.10*** −1.40* −5.85*** 74 174
Influential Cases
2 With Greece, Iran, Nigeria, and Malawi −4.94* .38* 1.23 2.60** −.76 −5.80*** 78 181
3 No China −7.23** .53** 1.46* 3.11*** −1.44* −5.86*** 73 171
4 No China, Pakistan, Egypt, Thailand,Singapore, and Indonesia −6.89** .52** 1.40* 3.03*** −1.44* −5.19*** 68 165
Country Samples
5 No Asia −9.85*** .75*** 1.51* 3.45*** −1.62* −7.91*** 60 147
6 No Eastern religions −7.30** .54** 1.46* 3.13*** −1.48* −5.85*** 69 164
7 No Africa −7.29*** .53** 1.55* 3.12*** −1.42* −5.85*** 66 165
8 No Africa + Asia −10.04*** .75*** 1.59* 3.46*** −1.64* −7.99*** 52 138
9 No Latin America −7.39 .51 1.74* 4.06*** −1.96** −6.62*** 56 133
10 No Nordic −4.23 .26 1.07 2.73** −1.08 −6.20*** 69 159
11 No former communist −8.05*** .56*** 2.69** 2.19 −2.18** −5.18*** 60 144
12 No UN undeveloped −11.29 .73 2.02 5.16*** −2.70*** −14.62*** 35 101
13 No liberal −8.98*** .77*** .99 2.59** −.31 −5.08*** 68 155
14 No conservative −6.43** .46* 1.36 3.03*** −1.05 −5.83*** 68 152
15 No social democratic −3.28 .17 .81 2.57** −1.40* −6.63*** 68 153
16 No English legal origins −8.99*** .77*** .93 2.38* −.32 −4.53** 61 146
17 No French legal origins −9.77 .66 1.62 4.40*** −1.87 −5.43* 39 92
18 No dictator since 1980 −10.09** .69** 1.23 3.55*** −2.13*** −9.09*** 56 136
19 No internal war last 10 years −11.45*** .87*** 1.08 2.98* −1.43* −3.28 59 138
20 No Protestant −5.60* .42* 1.05 2.65** −.43 −5.55*** 66 148
21 No Muslim −7.69** .55** 1.49* 2.77** −1.16 −5.04*** 64 159
Variable Specifications
22 With migrant stock −8.51** .63** 1.92** 3.13** −1.76** −5.35*** 73 169
23 With unemployment −6.80** .48** 1.61** 2.77** −1.02 −5.85*** 74 169
24 With religious homogeneity −7.04** .51** 1.54* 3.12** −1.42* −5.77*** 74 174
25 With percent female −7.26** .54** 1.42* 3.06** −1.42* −5.85*** 74 174
26 With tenure of political system −9.66** .75** 1.89** 2.92** −1.46** −5.36** 47 174
Restructuring of Data
27 2 waves (bal.) −6.39** .50* 2.34*** 1.82 .88 −5.08*** 52 104
28 3 waves (bal.) 3.03** .73 1.26 −.25 −6.81* 17 51
29 Lagged variables, t–1 −7.37** .61*** 1.17 2.95*** −.84 −7.06*** 72 153
30 No generalized trust, t–k −7.20*** .53** 1.45* 3.09*** −1.40* −5.87*** 74 174
31 Robust SE −7.21** .53** 1.46* 3.10*** −1.40 −5.85*** 74 174
32 Bootstrap SE: 1,000 repetitions −7.21** .53** 1.46* 3.10*** −1.40 −5.85*** 74 174
33 Jackknife −7.21** .53* 1.46 3.10*** −1.40 −5.85*** 74 174
34 Wave dummies −6.92* .56** 1.34 2.69** −.93 −5.16*** 74 174
35 MVN multiple imp.: 20 Imput. −6.37*** .49*** 1.51** 2.94*** −.96 −5.05*** 91 216
36 MVN multiple imp.: 100 Imput. −6.47*** .50*** 1.53** 3.00*** −.96 −4.98*** 91 216
37 AR(1) −9.30*** .67*** 2.21*** 1.45 −.72 −2.16* 74 174

 = Model 1, Table 3 FE estimation.

 = Model 8, Table 3 RE estimation.






p<.01 (one-tailed tests).