Figure 1.
Kaplan-Meier survival graphs up to the 60-month follow-up time point. “Success” includes patients defined as “success” and “qualified success”, i.e., maintenance of intraocular pressure of 6-21 mmHg, with or without medications, without the need for glaucoma reoperation, progression to no light perception, phthisis, or enucleation. (a) Overall success (median, 32.5 months; 95% C.I., 24-44 months) for 36eyes with ≥6 months of follow-up. (b) 250 mm2 (n=17; median, 25 months; 95% C.I., 12-44 months) vs. 350 mm2 (n=19; median, 40 months; 95% C.I., 24-51 months) Baerveldt tube [Log-rank test (P=0.62), Wilcoxon test (P=0.13)]. (c) 23-gauge (n=8; median, 25.5 months; 95% C.I., 10-36 months) vs. 20-gauge (n=28; median, 38.25 months; 24-48 months) pars plana vitrectomy [Log-rank test (P=0.05), Wilcoxon test (P=0.14)]