Fig. 3.
Congenic Scnn1b-Tg mouse strains develop bronchial mucus plugging and mucous secretory cell metaplasia. Semiquantitative histopathology scores for mucus plugs (A) and mucus secretory cells (B, AB-PAS positive) in the left lobe intrapulmonary main stem bronchus at different time points across congenic strains. 5 day-old mice: n = 5 WT and 10 Scnn1b-Tg for C57BL/6N; 7 WT and 6 Scnn1b-Tg for C3H/HeN; 8 WT and 8 Scnn1b-Tg for BALB/cJ; 14 WT (W) and 10 Scnn1b-Tg (S) for FVB/NJ. 10 day-old mice: n = 7 WT and 13 Scnn1b-Tg for C57BL/6N; 10 WT and 10 Scnn1b-Tg for C3H/HeN; 11 WT and 8 Scnn1b-Tg for BALB/cJ. 4 wk-old mice: n = 11 WT and 11 Scnn1b-Tg for C57BL/6N; 7 WT and 7 Scnn1b-Tg for C3H/HeN; 7 WT and 7 Scnn1b-Tg for BALB/cJ. 8 wk-old mice: n = 10 WT and 8 Scnn1b-Tg for C57BL/6N; 9 WT and 10 Scnn1b-Tg for C3H/HeN; 10 WT and 6 Scnn1b-Tg for BALB/cJ. *P < 0.05 vs. WT littermates, #P < 0.05 vs. C57BL/6N of the same genotype.