rs9444584 is in strong LD with rs92023230 and rs9450896 and occurs within a region of CNR1 intron 2 that has been conserved for 310 million years.
A, a 17-species vertebrate alignment plot from the UCSC Genome Browser highlights the presence of a putative enhancer region conserved between birds and humans. The white line represents the location of rs944458 within this sequence. The top scale bar represents linear distance (2 kb), and the second scale bar represents coordinates in base pairs along the length of human chromosome 6. B, an LD heat map analysis of SNPs within CNR1 intron 2 derived from the UCSC browser demonstrating levels of LD (r2) between the different SNPs. This map is in linear register with the graph in A. Exact measurements of LD (as calculated by SNAP LD) are displayed as decimal fractions in the grey diamonds linking the three SNPs of interest (rs9444584, rs92023230, and rs9450896). The location of rs9444584 is highlighted using a black box and line. The locations of rs92023230 and rs9450896 are highlighted using gray boxes.