OCRL phosphatase function is responsible for restricting L. monocytogenes invasion and for promoting actin depolymerization on bacterial vacuoles.
A, one set of HeLa cells was transfected with control siRNA and a plasmid coding for GFP, whereas a second set of HeLa cells was transfected with anti-OCRL siRNA and plasmids coding for GFP, siRNA-resistant pEGFP-OCRL-a, or pEGFP-OCRL-a phosphatase-dead (H507R). After 1 h of infection with L. monocytogenes P14.PrfA*, cells were processed for immuno-fluorescence, and invasion was quantified by scoring extracellular versus total cell-associated bacteria. Values represent the averages ± S.E. of 3 independent experiments. si ctrl., siRNA control. B, transfections were performed as described in A, and after 15 min of infection with L. monocytogenes P14.PrfA*, cells were processed for immuno-fluorescence microscopy to quantify the percentage of intracellular bacteria associated to actin (labeled by fluorescent phalloidin). Values represent the averages ± S.E. of 3 independent experiments. (Student's t test: *, p < 0.05.) C, the GFP fluorescence intensity of cells chosen for quantifications in A and B was measured using ImageJ. Circles represent cells, and horizontal lines represent the average of all cells of the given condition. For quantification, low to medium GFP-expressing cells with a GFP intensity lower than 500 units (dashed line) were considered.