sast mutants show abnormal light responses. A, representative ERG traces of wild-type and sast mutant flies. For all ERG traces, event markers represent 5-s orange light pulses, and scale bars are 5 mV. B, quantification of ERG amplitudes for each genotype. C, quantification of termination speed. t½ was calculated as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Error bars indicate S.E. D, quantification of ON/OFF transient amplitudes. For each genotype, 10 flies were examined, and the ON/OFF transient amplitudes were averaged to obtain the mean. E, quantification of relative light sensitivities. The shown mean relative sensitivities were calculated as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Error bars indicate S.E. F, intracellular recordings of light responses in photoreceptors. The scale bar and light pulse are 5 mV and 5 s, respectively.