Results from Granger causal connectivity analyses of the right and left hippocampus with the cortical areas involved in visceral somatosensation and emotional feeling; social cognition; and self‐related processing, during admiration for virtue (AV), compassion for social pain (CSP), admiration for skill (AS), and compassion for physical pain (CPP). Italics denote connectivity with the left hippocampus; nonitalics with the right hippocampus. Bold denotes direction of influence “toward” the hippocampus; nonbold denotes “from” the hippocampus. Talairach coordinates are in the format of x y z; negative x values correspond to the left hemisphere; coordinates are taken from regions showing Granger causal connectivity after thresholding using the false discovery rate statistic, q(FDR) < 0.01, corresponding to the following critical t‐statistics: ≥0.82 (AV), ≥1.17 (AS), ≥0.77 (CSP), and ≥0.91 (CPP)