Typical patterns of the coarse-grained site dipoles and
vorticities found in the MD simulation (i).
(A) Instantaneous site dipoles,
coarse grained with sphere of R =
3Lcube at an exemplified instance
t. Vectors with length |d̄| ≥ 0.8
× |d̄max| are shown by bars.
(B) Time-averaged site dipoles over the duration
w = 300 ps,
d̄w(ri,R), coarse
grained with R =
2Lcube. Vectors with length
|d̄w| ≥ 0.45 ×
are shown by bars. (C) Vorticity of the instantaneous site
dipoles, v(ri,R,t),
calculated with the sphere of R =
6Lcube at the same instance
t as in A. Vectors with length |v|
≥ 0.6 × |vmax| are shown by
bars. (D) Vorticity of the time-averaged site dipoles over
300 ps, vw(ri,R),
calculated with R =
6Lcube. Vectors with length
|vw| ≥ 0.55 ×
|vw,max| are
shown by bars.