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. 2012 May;129(5):e1244–e1251. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-1740


Questions on the Child/Adolescent and the Parent/Caregiver Questionnaire

People may miss their medications for various reasons. In the past month, how often have you/your child missed taking medication because of the following reasons? Circle 1 number for each question. Response options are: Never or Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Mostly or Always
Type Barrier Question to Child Question to Caregiver
Logistical Child could not get meds Couldn’t get medication (drugstore doesn’t have supply) Couldn’t get medication (drugstore doesn’t have supply)
Did not refill Didn’t refill; ran out Didn’t refill; ran out
Forgot Forgot Forgot
Schedule interfered Scheduling interferes with lifestyle (meals, school, sleep) Scheduling interferes with child’s lifestyle (meals, school, sleep)
Multiple caregivers Multiple caregivers Multiple caregivers
Child away Were away from home Child was away from home
Busy with other things Were busy with other things We were busy with other things
Change in daily routine Had a change in daily routine We had a change in daily routine
Slept through dose time Fell asleep or slept through dose time Caregiver fell asleep or slept through dose time
Regimen Cannot keep down Taste, can’t get it down, or keep it down (pill or liquid) Taste, can’t get it down, or keep it down (pill or liquid)
Too much medication Had too many pills to take Child had too much medication to take
Avoid side effects Wanted to avoid side effects We wanted to avoid side effects
Toxicity Felt like medication was toxic or harmful Caregiver felt like medication was toxic or harmful
Problems taking as directed Had problem taking pills as directed, for example, with meals or on an empty stomach Child had problem taking pills as directed, for example, with meals or on an empty stomach
Child Child refused Just didn’t want to Child refuses
Child felt sick Felt sick or ill Child felt sick or ill
Child felt good Felt good Child felt good
Disclosure Child concerned that others notice medications Did not want others to notice medication Child did not want others to notice medication
Emotional Felt depressed Felt depressed or overwhelmed Caregiver felt depressed or overwhelmed