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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Nature. 2011 Sep 11;478(7367):103–109. doi: 10.1038/nature10405

Table 1. Summary association results for 29 BP SNPs.

Summary association statistics, based on combined discovery and follow-up data, for 29 independent SNPs in individuals of European ancestry are shown. New genome-wide significant findings (17 SNPs) are presented in the top half of the table, data on 12 previously published signals are presented in the lower half.

Locus Index SNP Chr Position CA/NCA CAF nsSNP eSNP SBP
Beta P-value Effect in EA/SA/A Beta P-value Effect in EA/SA/A Beta P-value
MOV10 rs2932538 1 113,018,066 G/A 0.75 Y(p) Y(p) 0.388 1.2*10−9 +/+/− 0.24 9.9*10−10 +/+*/− 0.049 2.9*10−7

SLC4A7 rs13082711 3 27,512,913 T/C 0.78 Y(p) Y(p) −0.315 1.5*10−6 −/−/+ −0.238 3.8*10−9 −/−/+ −0.035 3.6*10−4

MECOM rs419076 3 170,583,580 T/C 0.47 - - 0.409 1.8*10−13 +/+/+ 0.241 2.1*10−12 +/+/− 0.031 3.1*10−4

SLC39A8 rs13107325 4 103,407,732 T/C 0.05 Y Y(+) −0.981 3.3*10−14 ?/+/+ −0.684 2.3*10−17 ?/+/+ −0.105 4.9*10−7

GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3 rs13139571 4 156,864,963 C/A 0.76 - - 0.321 1.2*10−6 +/−/+ 0.26 2.2*10−10 +/−/+ 0.042 2.5*10−5

NPR3-C5orf23 rs1173771 5 32,850,785 G/A 0.6 - - 0.504 1.8*10−16 +*/+/+ 0.261 9.1*10−12 +*/+/− 0.062 3.2*10−10

EBF1 rs11953630 5 157,777,980 T/C 0.37 - - −0.412 3.0*10−11 +/+/+ −0.281 3.8*10−13 +/+/+ −0.052 1.7*10−7

HFE rs1799945 6 26,199,158 G/C 0.14 Y - 0.627 7.7*10−12 +/+/− 0.457 1.5*10−15 +/+/− 0.095 1.8*10−10

BAT2-BAT5 rs805303 6 31,724,345 G/A 0.61 Y(p) Y(+) 0.376 1.5*10−11 −/−/? 0.228 3.0*10−11 −/−/+ 0.054 1.1*10−10

CACNB2(5) rs4373814 10 18,459,978 G/C 0.55 - - −0.373 4.8*10−11 +/+/− −0.218 4.4*10−10 −/+/− −0.046 8.5*10−8

PLCE1 rs932764 10 95,885,930 G/A 0.44 - - 0.484 7.1*10−16 +/+/− 0.185 8.1*10−7 +/+/− 0.055 9.4*10−9

ADM rs7129220 11 10,307,114 G/A 0.89 - - −0.619 3.0*10−12 ?/−/+ −0.299 6.4*10−8 ?/−/+ −0.044 1.1*10−3

FLJ32810-TMEM133 rs633185 11 100,098,748 G/C 0.28 - - −0.565 1.2*10−17 +*/+/+ −0.328 2.0*10−15 +*/+/− −0.07 5.4*10−11

FURIN-FES rs2521501 15 89,238,392 T/A 0.31 - Y(−) 0.65 5.2*10−19 +*/+/+ 0.359 1.9*10−15 +*/+/+ 0.059 7.0*10−7

GOSR2 rs17608766 17 42,368,270 T/C 0.86 - Y(+) −0.556 1.1*10−10 +/−/+ −0.129 0.017 +/−/+ −0.025 0.08

JAG1 rs1327235 20 10,917,030 G/A 0.46 - - 0.34 1.9*10−8 +*/+/+ 0.302 1.4*10−15 +*/+*/+ 0.034 4.6*10−4

GNAS-EDN3 rs6015450 20 57,184,512 G/A 0.12 Y(p) - 0.896 3.9*10−23 ?/+/+ 0.557 5.6*10−23 ?/+*/+ 0.11 4.2*10−14

MTHFR-NPPB rs17367504 1 11,785,365 G/A 0.15 - Y(−/r) −0.903 8.7*10−22 +/+/+ −0.547 3.5*10−19 +/+/+ −0.103 2.3*10−10

ULK4 rs3774372 3 41,852,418 T/C 0.83 Y Y(r/p) −0.067 0.39 −/−/+ −0.367 9.0*10−14 +/+/+ −0.017 0.18

FGF5 rs1458038 4 81,383,747 T/C 0.29 - - 0.706 1.5*10−23 +*/+/+ 0.457 8.5*10−25 +*/+*/+ 0.072 1.9*10−7

CACNB2(3) rs1813353 10 18,747,454 T/C 0.68 - - 0.569 2.6*10−12 +/+/+ 0.415 2.3*10−15 +/+/+ 0.078 6.2*10−10

C10orf107 rs4590817 10 63,137,559 G/C 0.84 - Y(r) 0.646 4.0*10−12 −/+/− 0.419 1.3*10−12 −/−/− 0.096 9.8*10−9

CYP17A1-NT5C2 rs11191548 10 104,836,168 T/C 0.91 - Y(−) 1.095 6.9*10−26 +*/+*/+ 0.464 9.4*10−13 +*/+*/+ 0.097 1.4*10−5

PLEKHA7 rs381815 11 16,858,844 T/C 0.26 - - 0.575 5.3*10−11 +*/+/+ 0.348 5.3*10−10 +*/−/+ 0.062 3.4*10−6

ATP2B1 rs17249754 12 88,584,717 G/A 0.84 - - 0.928 1.8*10−18 +*/+*/− 0.522 1.2*10−14 +*/+*/− 0.126 1.1*10−14

SH2B3 rs3184504 12 110,368,991 T/C 0.47 Y Y(+) 0.598 3.8*10−18 −/−/+ 0.448 3.6*10−25 −/−/+ 0.056 2.6*10−6

TBX5-TBX3 rs10850411 12 113,872,179 T/C 0.7 - - 0.354 5.4*10−8 −/+/− 0.253 5.4*10−10 −/−/− 0.045 5.2*10−6

CYP1A1-ULK3 rs1378942 15 72,864,420 C/A 0.35 - Y(+) 0.613 5.7*10−23 +*/+/+ 0.416 2.7*10−26 +*/+/− 0.073 1.0*10−8

ZNF652 rs12940887 17 44,757,806 T/C 0.38 - Y(−) 0.362 1.8*10−10 +/−/+ 0.27 2.3*10−14 +/−/+ 0.046 1.2*10−7

Y indicates the BP index SNP is a nsSNP, Y(p) indicates a proxy SNP is a nsSNP. Y(+): indicatesBP index SNP is the strongest known eSNP for a transcript; Y(−): indicates BP index SNP is an eSNP but not strongest known eSNP for any transcript. Y(r): indicates BP index SNP is strongest known eSNP in a regional SNP-RTPCR experiment. Y(p): indicates a proxy SNP (r2 > 0.8) to BP SNP is an eSNP but not the strongest known eSNP. Observed effect directions in East Asian (EA), South Asian (SA), and African (A) ancestry individuals are coded + or − if concordant or discordant with directions in European ancestry results;


denotes significance controlling the FDR at 5% over 58 tests per ancestry (Supplementary Tables 5 and 12). Effect size estimates (beta) correspond to mmHg per coded allele for SBP and DBP and ln(odds) per coded allele for HTN.

CA = coded allele; NCA = non-coded allele; CAF = coded allele frequency; ? denotes missing data. Genomic positions use NCBI Build 36 coordinates.