Fig. 2.
Ndufs6 expression and CI deficiency. (A) Wild-type (WT) Ndufs6 mRNA levels measured by quantitative real-time PCR in tissues of male Ndufs6gt/gt mice (4 mo). Results are expressed as percentage of wild-type levels. (B) SDS/PAGE immunoblotting to detect Ndufs6 protein expression in isolated mitochondria of the same tissues. The CII 70-kDa subunit (Sdha) was used as loading control. (C) CI activity in tissues of male Ndufs6gt/gt mice (4 mo). Results are expressed as percentage of wild-type levels relative to citrate synthase. (D) BN-PAGE immunoblotting to detect the amounts of fully assembled CI in the mitochondria of the same tissues. Level of fully assembled CII was used as loading control. fs6, Ndufs6; SC, supercomplex.