Schematic diagram of the secondary structure of the β2AR
illustrating the FM-labeling site at Cys-265. (A) There
are 13 cysteines (yellow circles) in the β2AR, yet only
Cys-265 is labeled with the relatively large polar fluorophore FM under
the conditions described in Materials and Methods.
Cys-106, Cys-184, Cys-190, and Cys-191 have been shown to be disulfide
bonded (38, 39), and Cys-341 is palmitoylated (40). Cys-378 and Cys-406
in the carboxyl terminus form a disulfide bond during purification
(data not shown). Labeling specificity was confirmed by peptide mapping
and mutagenesis of potential reactive cysteines (data not shown). The
sites of peptide cleavage by Factor Xa (line) and cyanogen bromide
(black dots) are shown. (B) Schematic focusing on TM
helices 5 and 6 and the connecting intracellular loop 3 (IC3). The
location of the FM (F) site is highlighted. Fluorescence quenchers
localized to either the aqueous milieu, the micellar environment, or
the base of TM5 (oxyl-NHS bound to Lys-224, red square) were used to
monitor conformational changes around Cys-265. (C)
Cylinders representing the seven TM helices of the β2AR
as viewed from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, arranged according
to the crystal structure of rhodopsin in the inactive state. In the
inactive receptor, FM on Cys-265, is predicted to point toward the
cytoplasmic extensions of TMs 3, 5, and 6. Also shown is the predicted
position of the quencher oxyl-NHS on Lys-224 (red square).