Fig. 4. L-NIL and SOD but not catalase differentially regulate THP-1 monocyte adhesion induced by IL-1β and enhanced by U46619.
A and B, Rat VSMCs were untreated or treated for 24 hours with IL-1β alone, IL-1β plus U46619, or U46619 alone. Catalase (A), SOD (A and B), or L-NIL (B) were added 1 hour prior to IL-1β and U46619 treatment. THP-1 monocytes were co-cultured with VSMCs for 3 hours and then unbound monocytes were washed away. The images in A were observed at 100x magnification. Bar graphs show monocytes bound to VSMC per area and represent data from 6 separate experiments. C, Nitrite production in cells untreated or treated for 24 hours with IL-1β, U46619, or IL-1β plus U46619. L-NiL or SQ29548 was added 1 hour prior to IL-1β and U46619 treatment.