Subcutaneous implantation of experimental discs on the dorsa of BALB/c mice for 2 weeks (A) and 5 weeks (B). a. Tetracycline, a bone fluorochrome was administered to label the newly formed bone-like mineralized tissue. b. The slides were stained with toluidine blue, which stains organic tissue components. c. Merged picture of micrograph a and b. After merging, the area of fluorescence labeling over the total area was analyzed by Image J software (NIH). After 5 weeks, over 80 % of the ordered FA coating was integrated with the newly induced mineralized tissue compared to approximately 40 % in the disordered FA coating (One-way ANOVA, P<0.01) (B).Scale bar: 200 µm. Ti, titanium. DS, disordered FA surface. OR, ordered FA surfaces.