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. 2012 May 2;7(5):e36229. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036229

Table 3. Motifs overrepresented in the recombinant set.

Word size Motif Occ-sig Number of sequences Correlation with crossover rate
intervening extended Corr Sign
L4 aaaa|tttt 0.54 - 420 −0.402 ***
cgca|tgcg 0.35 - 174 0.357 ***
L5 aaaac|gtttt 1.23 232 −0.252 ***
aaaaa|ttttt 0.5 343 −0.376 ***
taaaa|tttta 0.92 333 −0.406 ***
tgaaa|tttca 0.27 306 −0.385 ***
ataaa|tttat 0.26 324 −0.381 ***
aaaga|tcttt 0.01 288 −0.105 **
gccgc|gcggc −0.09 47 0.433 ***
ccgca|tgcgg 0.5 44 0.309 ***
L7 gaacaga|tctgttc 0.07 21 −0.021 NS
L8 actgttcc|ggaacagt 0.07 9 0.062 NS

Motifs indicated were retained if they were 4 nt or more for intervening dataset and 5 nt or more for extended dataset. Occ-sig statistics given by RSAT are indicated only if they are positive except for GCCGC (see text). “Number of sequence” gives the number of recombinant pairs in which the motif could be found at least one time over the 444 recombinant fragments. “Corr” gives Pearson correlation coefficient between crossover rate inferred from the published genetic map and motif occurence (positive values are in bold and italics). “Sign” indicates whether the coefficient is statistically different from 0: “NS” non significant, “***” P-value<0.001, “**” P-value<0.01.