Fig 5. N1 motif is required for NICD3-dependent transcription.
A. Left panel: Schematic presentation of luciferase reporter constructs containing the wildtype, microdeleted, and truncated DLGAP5 promoters. Green bar: C3 motif, red bar: N1 motif, Blue box: exon1. Right panel: Luciferase reporter activity of different DLGAP5 promoter constructs. Ectopic expression of NICD3 leads to increased luciferase activity using the wildtype promoter construct, while microdeletion of N1, C3, or both, loses NICD3-regulated transcriptional activity. For each comparison group, only p values with significance are indicated. B. Top panel: nucleotide sequences of the PIN1 promoter and the deletion mutants. Canonical CSL motif: green; N1 motif: red. Bottom panel: Luciferase reporter activity of the wildtype PIN promoter and mutant reporter with either N1 or C1 microdeletion.