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. 2012 Mar 28;1(2):106–113. doi: 10.1007/s13679-012-0011-1

Table 1.

A summary of food-related attention bias studies in OB/OW visual probe task individuals between 2009–2011

Study Study groups Measure of attention Stimuli Attention parameters (oriented/maintained attention) Hunger/satiety intervention Main findings: difference between OW/OB and NW subjects Main findings: positive association between attention bias and subjective craving
Castellanos et al. [14] 18 OB and 18 NW women ET during performance of a VPT Pairs of pictures of HC/LC foods and non-food items ET direction bias Hunger (> 8 h) + satiety (shake 400 kcal; within-subjects design) ET direction + duration bias: Direction/duration bias ~ hunger
ET duration bias Hunger: OB = NW
VPT RT bias 2,000 ms Satiety: reduced in NW; retained in OB
Werthmann et al. [15] 22 OW/OB and 29 NW women ET during performance of a VPT Pairs of pictures of high-fat foods and non-food items ET direction bias Restrain from eating 2 h prior to testing; satiated with a lunch (400–500 kcal) before testing ET direction bias: OW/OB > NW In OW/OB: ET duration bias ~ craving
ET first fixation duration bias ET first fixation duration bias: OW/OB < NW
ET duration bias
VPT RT duration bias 2,000 ms
Nijs et al. [16•] 26 OW/OB and 40 NW women ET, VPT, ERP Pairs of pictures of HC foods and non-food items ET direction bias Hunger (17 h) + satiety (shake 600 kcal; between-subjects design) RT bias 100 ms: OW/OB > NW, especially in hunger In NW: P300 bias ~ hunger
ET duration bias P300 bias: In OW/OB: VPT direction bias ~ hunger
VPT RT direction bias 100 ms Hunger: OW/OB < NW
VPT RT duration bias 500 ms
P300 ERP bias Satiety: OW/OB > NW
Nijs et al. [17] 20 OB and 20 NW men and women ERP during a food-modified Stroop task Words, referring to HC foods and non-food items P200 ERP Light meal 2 h prior to testing P200 bias: OB > NW In OB: Stroop RT bias ~ craving
In NW: P200/P300 bias ~ craving
P300 ERP
Stroop RT
Phelan et al. [22] 15 long-term successful weight loss maintainers, 14 OB, 19 NW Food-modified Stroop task Words, referring to HC and LC foods Stroop RT Fasting state (>4 h) Stroop RT interference HC words: successful dieters slower than OB/NW
Loeber et al. [26] 20 OB and 20 NW men and women VPT Pairs of pictures of foods and non-food items VPT RT bias 50 ms Restrain from eating 3 h prior to testing
Graham et al. [31] 15 OW/OB and 21 NW women ET Pairs of pictures of HC sweet foods; HC savory foods; LC foods ET direction bias Direction bias LC food: OW/OB > NW
ET duration bias

BMI body mass index; ERP event-related potentials; ET eye tracking; HC high-calorie; LC low-calorie; NW normal weight (BMI 18.5–25 kg/m2); OB obese (BMI > 30 kg/m2); OW overweight (BMI 25–30 kg/m2); RT reaction time; VPT visual probe task