Brca1 binds DNA. (A) Gel mobility shift assays were
performed with full-length Brca1 (lanes 2–6) or the isolated truncated
product (lanes 7–9). Approximately 10 ng of protein was added in lanes
2 and 7, 20 ng in lanes 3 and 8, and 40 ng in lanes 4–6 and lane 9.
The proteins were mixed with a 32P-labeled double-stranded
DNA substrate and incubated for 10 min at room temperature before
electrophoresis in a 0.7% 1/2× TBE (90 mM Tris/64.6 mM boric
acid/2.5 mM EDTA, pH 8.3) agarose gel. In lanes 5 and 6, 100 ng of
two different antibodies directed against Brca1 was also included in
the binding reaction. (B) Gel mobility shift assays were
performed as in A, except with fragments of Brca1
expressed in E. coli as GST fusion proteins.
Approximately 300 ng of each fragment was incubated with the DNA
substrate per reaction. The amino acid endpoints of each Brca1 fragment
are shown above the lanes. (C) Schematic representation
of the Brca1 polypeptide and the regions covered by the various
fragments expressed in E. coli. The DNA-binding activity
of the fragments is indicated in the right column, with ++ denoting the
highest level of binding, and + indicating partial levels of binding.
The Rad50 binding domain shown for comparison at the bottom is from
yeast two-hybrid data by Zhong et al. (13).