Cutaneous biology of the developing zebrafish. (a) The figure illustrates the growth of zebrafish from 1 dpf embryos, which are surrounded by a transparent chorion (C) and display a prominent yolk sac (YS), to an adult fish. At 6 dpf pigmentation becomes apparent on the skin. (b) Transmission electron microscopy reveals at 1 and 6 dpf an epidermis (E) consisting of two cell layers, and at 6 dpf the epidermis is separated from the underlying collagenous stroma (CS) and dermis (D) by a clearly demarcated basement membrane (open arrowheads). In adult fish, there is a multi-layered epidermis, and higher magnification of the basement membrane zone reveals the presence of hemidesmosomes (arrows in the inset). The spicule-like extensions of the surface of the skin (arrows) correspond to microridges. (c) Scanning electron microscopy reveals well demarcated keratinocytes with distinct cell-cell borders (small arrows). In the middle of the keratinocyte surface, there are developing microridges which at 6 dpf become well organized (open arrowheads). In an adult fish, the epidermis is covered by scales.