A. Phylogeny inference of ribosomal P proteins. Red, branch of trypanosomatid P1α proteins. Blue, branch of trypanosomatid P1β proteins. Magenta, branch of trypanosomatid P2α proteins. Light blue, branch of trypanosomatid P2β proteins. Brown, branch of non-trypanosomatid P2 proteins. Violet, branch of non-trypanosomatid P1 proteins. Yellow, Arabidopsis thaliana P3. Green, branch of P0 where has been grouped separated the trypanosomatids P0 (light green). Bootstrap values above 70 are shown. B. The sequences of the C-terminal residues of mammalian P-proteins and the C-terminal region of the small protozoan P-proteins were aligned using WebLogo [31]. Arrows indicate critical residues for scFv C5 recognition. The region boxed corresponds to the key difference between mammal and protozoan epitopes.