Figure 3.
Reporter mRNAs carrying Cyclin D2 3′UTR transport element are directed to the basal endfeet and translated locally. (A) EGFP constructs carrying Cyclin D2 transport element in forward and reverse orientation (pCEN/CD2/3′/1496-5457 and pCEN/CD2/3′/5457-1496) were introduced into the E13.5 mouse neocortex by in-utero electroporation, together with pCAGGS-mRFP. (B–G) Analysis 24 h later shows that mRNA for EGFP, from pCEN/CD2/3′/1496-5457, is expressed at the basal endfeet of radial glia (B and B’). Conversely, EGFP mRNA from pCEN/CD2/3′/5457-1496 is absent from the basal endfeet (E and E’). At the protein level, EGFP translated from pCEN/CD2/3′/1496-5457 is present at the basal endfoot and VZ cells (C and C’), whereas EGFP from the reversed pCEN/CD2/3′/5457-1496 is present only in the VZ but undetected in the basal endfoot (F and F’). Co-transfection with RFP indicates that the reporter protein can be visibly observed in the basal processes and endfeet (D, D’, G and G’). Scale bars: 100 μm in (B–G) and 10 μm in (B’–G’).