Figure 2.
Effects of dPDK-1 on cell size control. Scanning electron micrographs of the external eyes (A–F) and their tangential sections (G–I) representing the genotypes indicated below are shown. (A, D, and G) gmr-GAL4/+. (B, E, and H) EP(3)837/+. (C, F, and I) gmr-GAL4/+;EP(3)837/+. (J) Induction of dPDK-1 mRNA expression in the eye imaginal disk by gmr-GAL4. Samples were prepared from EP(3)837/EP(3)837 (Upper) or gmr-GAL4/+;EP(3)837/+ (Lower). Overexpressed dPDK-1 mRNA was detected in the imaginal disk of gmr-GAL4/+;EP(3)837/+ by in situ hybridization as described in Materials and Methods. (K) Comparison of wing phenotypes of ap-GAL4/+ (Left) and ap-GAL4/+;EP(3)3553/+ (Right). (Inset) The basal view of the right wing of ap-GAL4/+;EP(3)3553/+. (Magnifications: A–C, ×200; D–I, ×1,000; J, ×100; K, ×20.)