Figure 3.
Neglect and length estimation. (A) A schematic depiction of the stimuli used by Charras et al. (2010). A single black line, either horizontal or vertical (40 mm long, 1 mm thick), was printed in the center of the sheet. Participants performed a line extension task in which they were to draw either a horizontal or a vertical line to complete an L figure. The missing line was located either to the left or right of the presented line. The position of the missing line was indicated by three small black dots. (B) Schematic depiction of the stimuli used by Charras et al. (2012). The L configurations enabled to test leftwards and rightrightwards biases separately. In the T and X configurations, there was a left/right competition between the horizontal line segments left and right of the bisection line. The results showed that, in the T configuration, the vertical line was overestimated, while in the X configuration, the horizontal line was overestimated.