(A) O. smaragdina arolium in the
retracted (Top) and the extended phases
(Bottom). (B) Sagittal section of a
honeybee hind-leg pretarsus. (C and D)
Whole mounts of pretarsi in A. mellifera and O.
smaragdina, respectively. (E) O.
smaragdina, inner view of ventral arolium cuticle.
(F) O. smaragdina, dorsal view into
opened arolium. (G and H) O.
smaragdina, dissected arcus, lateral views. (H)
Nonsclerotized arcus arm. (I) A.
mellifera, dissected arcus with attached arolium cuticle. ac,
arcus; ag, arolium gland; ar, arolium; cl, claw; hc, hemocoel; la,
lateral arolium walls; ma, manubrium; pl, planta; up, unguitractor
plate; ut, unguitractor tendon; op, opening. [Bars = 100 μm
(A–E), 50 μm (F,
G, and I), and 20 μm