Table 3.
Over-represented motifs in the promoter regions of 48 genes up-regulated by 56MESS treatment
Motifsa | Proposed transcription factors | Significance indexb |
tgcacc | Aft1p, Aft2p | 6.55 |
gcaccc | Aft1p, Aft2p | 9.22 |
aaaatg | Unidentified | 0.09 |
aMotifs were obtained from analysis of promoter regions of 56MESS up-regulated genes using RSA tools [70]
bMinus log transform of the E-value, which is the product of multiplying the p-value by the number of distinct motifs. The p-value is a probability of chance occurrence of particular motifs in the promoter regions of a given list of genes. A higher significance index indicates more significant motifs