Figure 5. Effect of back pinch on left triceps surae muscle force and electromyography (EMG) responses evoked by stimulating the right tibial nerve (RTib n.) in cats 7155 (A–C) and 71510 (D–E).
A–C) Shown are 3 trials performed approximately 3 minutes apart without (A, C) and with (B) back pinch with stimulation of the RTib n. for 2.5 s at 5T. D–E) Shown are 2 trials with 20 s stimulation of the RTib n. at 2T without (D) and with (E) back pinch. The vertical grey bars in A illustrate alternation of the left soleus (Sol) and left tibialis (TA) muscles following stimulation, whereas the example in D shows co-activation between the left Sol and left TA during stimulation. L = left, R = right, St = semitendinosus, Srt = sartorius