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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Womens Health Issues. 2012 Jan 24;22(3):e243–e251. doi: 10.1016/j.whi.2011.11.005

Table 4.

Multi-Level Analysis, adjusted odds of receiving preventive counseling servicesa, Central Pennsylvania Women’s Health Study (n = 1407)

aORb 95% CIc p-value

Level 1. Individual Level Covariates


 Higher self-esteem vs. lower 0.82 (0.67,1.01) 0.058

Lower Psychosocial Stress vs.
0.69 (0.57,0.85) <0.001

Some college vs. high school
1.26 (1.02,1.55) 0.028

 White, non-Hispanic vs. other 0.89 (0.61,1.32) 0.567

Depression risk vs. none 1.31 (1.01,1.69) 0.045

 No intimate partner violence vs.
0.74 (0.46,1.19) 0.219


 High social support-tangible vs. low 1.20 (0.97,1.49) 0.095

High social support-emotional vs.
1.25 (1.00,1.56) 0.049

Sees any obstetrician-gynecologist
vs. does not
1.51 (1.22,1.88) <0.001

 Usual source of care vs. None 0.95 (0.67,1.34) 0.765

 Continuous insurance vs. insurance
 coverage gap
0.95 (0.72,1.27) 0.736

 Does not forego care due to cost
 vs. forgoes care
0.95 (0.71,1.28) 0.755

 Poverty Status
  In poverty 1.17 (0.92,1.49) 0.416
  Missing poverty 1.08 (0.80,1.47)
  Not in poverty Ref.


 Lower self-reported health status
 vs. Excellent
1.15 (0.89,1.47) 0.283

Any chronic condition vs. none 1.52 (1.22,1.88) <0.001

Level 2. Contextual Covariates

Healthcare Resources

 Primary care physician
  Q1. Up to 170 Ref. 0.430
  Q2. 171-193 1.34 (0.92,1.95)
  Q3. 194-218 1.53 (0.81,2.88)
  Q4. 219+ 1.26 (0.79,2.01)

 1 or more Federal/Rural Health
 Clinic vs. none
0.95 (0.75,1.20) 0.667

Community Characteristics

 % Persons in Poverty (quartiles)
  Q1. Up to 8.6% 1.01 (0.70,1.46) 0.996
  Q2. 8.7 – 10.4% 0.99 (0.66,1.49)
  Q3. 10.5% - 13.4% 1.00 (0.71,1.41)
  Q4. 13.5% + Ref.

 % without Health Insurance
  Q1. Up to 8.8% 0.91 (0.59,1.42) 0.620
  Q2. 8.9% - 9.9% 1.11 (0.74,1.68)
  Q3. 10.0% - 11.0% 1.24 (0.82,1.88)
  Q4. 11.1%+ Ref.

 Rural Urban Continuum (County)
  Metropolitan county 0.81 (0.39,1.68) 0.142
  Nonmetro, Urban 0.64 (0.34,1.21)
  Nonmetro, Rural Ref.

Note: Variance of random error term estimated at 0. Overall Likelihood Ratio test , p < 0.001; McFadden Pseudo R2 = 0.022.


dependent variable is ordinal.


aOR, adjusted odds ratio.


CI, confidence interval.