Figure 1. IFN-γ responses in WBA from individuals in Bangladesh and South Korea.
IFN-γ production in response to control stimuli (medium, PHA and M. leprae WCS) or to recombinant proteins (ML0840, ML1601 and ML2478) in 24 hour WBA of leprosy patients (TT/BT; n = 10), healthy household contacts (HHC; n =10) and endemic controls (EC; n=10) from Bangladesh (prevalence = 2.45/10,000) or healthy controls (EC; n=10) and tuberculosis patients (TB; n=10) from South Korea (prevalence <1/10,000). For each group the number of IFN-γ responders (>100 pg/ml) versus the total number of individuals in the group is indicated below the x-axis. Background values were <50 pg/ml. Median values for each group are indicated by horizontal lines. Significant differences between test groups are indicated by p-values.