Genetic (primarily allozyme) diversity in major plant and animal taxa
on the opposite slopes of EC I, Lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel.
The mesic, temperate, and mild NFS and the xeric, tropical, and
stressful SFS. Caloplaca aurantia (lichen); H.
spontaneum (wild barley); Bimastos syriacum
(earthworm); Buliminus labrosus, Pomatias
olivieri, and Levantina caesareana (land
snails); Drosophila simulans and Zaprionus
tuberculatus (fruit flies); Tetrarthrosoma
syriacum (diplopod); Carabus hemprichi and
Oxythyrea noemi (beetles); and A.
cahirinus and A. mystacinus (rodents) are
presented. The genetic diversities represent allozyme heterozygosity
observed (H) or expected (He). Genetic
diversity of Nostoc is based on AFLP gene diversity.