Table 1.
Definition and occurrence of individual cataract diagnosis categories among 83 patients
Diagnostic categories | Definition | N (% of 83 patients) | |
1 | Entire lens white | A uniform total white color lens with no red reflex visible even in the periphery of the lens | 3 (4%) |
2 | Lens partially resorbed | An appearance of reduced central lens thickness leaving little if any cortex between the central anterior and posterior capsule | 7 (8%) |
3 | Anterior capsular fibrosis | Presence of a dense, white fibrous- appearing opacity adherent to the anterior capsule | 5 (6%) |
4 | Anterior and/or posterior cortical opacity not involving nucleus | Opacity located within any of the cortex peripheral to the Y-sutures with clear nuclear sparing | 21 (25%) |
5 | Opacity between Y-sutures (fetal nucleus) | Opaque lens material located between the anterior and posterior Y-sutures | 45 (54%) |
6 | Posterior bowing of posterior lens capsule | Clear video evidence of bowing, such as posterior capsular defects associated with a lentiglobus lens | 4 (5%) |
7 | Opacity of posterior lens capsule | Presence of opacity of the posterior capsule after the entire cortex had been surgically aspirated | 73 (88%) |
8 | Retrolental membrane with or without visible vessels | An opacity or vascular network on the posterior aspect of the lens that was associated with a fetal remnant and appeared to be distinct from a standard posterior capsular plaque | 12 (14.5%) |
9 | Patent persistent hyaloid vessel | Appearance of blood within the persistent hyaloid vessel | 9 (11%) |
10 | Nonpatent persistent hyaloid vessel | Absence of visible blood within the persistent hyaloid vessel | 2 (2%) |
11 | Ciliary processes stretched | Visible stretched ciliary process | 2 (2%) |