Figure 3.
Comparison between ovaries and oocytes from treated females (larval treatment, rifampicin, 2.10−2 mg/g) with ovaries and oocytes from untreated control females. (A and B) Epifluorescent images of ovaries stained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Ovaries were collected from a control A. tabida female, which had 228 mature oocytes in ovaries (A), or a rifampicin-treated female, containing only 36 mature oocytes (B). The ovaries were spread to reveal the oocytes and were oriented with the germarium to the right. (C–H) Confocal images of oocytes stained with propidium iodide. Oocytes having been collected from a control female (C–E) or a rifampicin-treated female as in B (F–H). Accumulation of Wolbachia is seen at the posterior extremity of the control oocyte (C). D and E are magnified views of the nucleus and posterior regions from the same oocyte, respectively. In contrast, the oocyte in F contains very low levels of Wolbachia in the posterior region (H). [Bar in A = 500 μm (for A and B).]; [Bar in C = 50 μm (for C and F).]