Effect of NEU1/NEU3 overexpression on HMVEC-L migration in a wounding assay. HMVEC-Ls infected with increasing m.o.i. of Ad-NEU1-FLAG, Ad-NEU3-HA, or Ad-GFP were cultured to confluence, after which a single wound was made across each monolayer. At 0, 2, 16, and 24 h, images of each monolayer were captured, and cell migration into the wound after 2, 16, and 24 h was compared with that observed in the same wounded monolayer at 0h. In A, B, and C, vertical bars represent the mean (±S.E.) migration of cells into the wound at 2 h (A), 16 h (B), and 24 h (C). n, numbers of independent experiments are indicated. *, significantly decreased compared with the Ad-GFP infected cells at p < 0.05. D, at 24 h, representative images of wounded HMVEC-L monolayers are shown, including Ad-NEU1, m.o.i. = 30 (i), Ad-NEU1, m.o.i. = 100 (ii), Ad-NEU1, m.o.i. = 150 (iii), Ad-GFP, m.o.i. = 150 (iv). Dotted lines indicate wound boundaries at 0 h.