Fig. 1.
NCPP index (A), percentage of fruit weight loss per surface area (B), and ABA content in the flavedo (C) of Navelate (squares) and Pinalate (circles) fruits treated (white) or not (black) with ABA and stored for up to 6 weeks at 12 °C and 70–75% relative humidity. The arrows indicate when ABA was applied. Results are the means of three biological replicates of ten fruits each ±SE. Mean separation was performed by applying Tukey’s test. Significant differences (P ≤0.05) in the NCPP index and ABA content between samples for the same storage period are indicated by different letters. Significant differences (P ≤0.05) in weight loss (B) between Navelate and Pinalate samples, treated or not with ABA, were found from the first week of storage, while no statistical differences were found between control and ABA-treated Pinalate fruits.